Dan Bennett featuring Allana Erickson-Lopez & John Nolander
Saturday, May 14, 7:00PM at
Vail Theatre of the Arts
Doors open at 6:00PM

Dan Bennett
Dan Bennett is a comedian and four-time U.S. Nationals Gold Medal winner. He juggles balls, rings, clubs, scarves, knives, bowling balls, fire, hats, cigar boxes and Devil Sticks. Dan can balance any liftable object on his face, feet or hands.
Dan combines his outstanding physical and intellectual skills in one of the most distinctive variety acts on stage. "Mastery over gravity" is the phrase which best describes his well-crafted execution of unusual juggling feats. "Patterns have always fascinated me, whether in puzzles, mathematics, juggling or well-timed comedy routines," explains Bennett, a former college calculus professor.
His facility with sports (gymnastics and soccer) and his gift for mathematics led him to incorporate these elements into a mesmerizing stage performance spotlighting his lightning speed, rapier wit and remarkable skill. He is an ideal entertainer for any event and we are delighted to bring him to our clean comedy lovers! His heart-stopping stunts and broad comedy produce an unforgettable experience.
Michael Jordan (basketball god) says, "Dan Bennett's hot ball-handling amazes even me! Not just the best juggler on Earth, he's the very best in the Universe!"
Adept at captivating audiences either live on stage or on the screen, Dan Bennett's television appearances include "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," "Arsenio Hall," "PM Magazine" and "Good Morning America."
While earning his bachelor’s degree in mathematics, Dan worked as a teaching assistant in the math lab. His love for teaching soon spilled over into tutoring with comedy. Eventually Dan was holding workshops in calculus and mixing mathematics with humor and juggling. While lecturing about ballistics he devised the object lesson now so central to his performances: catching a bowling ball with his face! A show was born!
Dan began headlining on the major cruise lines and in comedy clubs. Appearing on television shows set Dan on a course that has never turned back. He has been featured in some 30 commercials for global corporations, and his trademark counting with Roman numerals has been used in conjunction with the Merck Corporation to promote product visibility.
Dan is in the 1990 Guinness Book of World records for numbers juggling.
His skills are indispensable in his performances as a science and math variety comedian and he has been the keynote “comediantic” at several mathematics conferences.

Allana Erickson-Lopez

John Nolander
Brace yourself, comedian puppet Crash The Buzzard and his assistant, ventriloquist John Nolander are returning to Marana Laughs! No one is safe from John's comedian puppets, especially John. Mischievous Crash, the actual star of the show, has been making audiences young and old laugh for years. Somehow, he actually makes John look good. There's never a dull moment when Crash The Buzzard hits the stage. Known to audiences as the 'life of the party', Crash knows how to work a crowd. A sensitive artiste', Crash enjoys mocking John and magic while attempting a few magic tricks of his own, including a perilous magic trick while under deep magical hypnosis. It's clean comedy that's guaranteed to make you laugh.
To put it in Crash's words: "I find John unnecessary. John has no idea what he is doing. If it wasn't for me this show would be toast."