Brian McKay
Saturday, February 12, 7:00PM at
Vail Theatre of the Arts
Doors open at 6:00PM

Brian McKay
Returns to VailLaughs after winning the Phoenix Newcomer to Clean Comedy Contest in November. He has the funniest routine that breaks the marriage code for all single men. He must be right because it's simply amazing how the women in the audience will join in "en masse" and provide the rules to which he addresses. Married men will find humor in all of the truths that Brian reveals. This show makes for a great pre-valentine's day date night!!.
People often ask how Brian McKay got started. The short version: Brian was shooting his mouth off and his wife called my bluff. The longer version: when Brian was much younger and managing a pizza joint, Brian would work late hours. When he would get home at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning he would always watch Evening at the Improv and Stand Up Comedy Spotlight; He used to laugh really hard and de-stress from the night. Just for context the pizza joint was not in the greatest safest area of town.
Fast-forward twenty years. Brian had been watching some of the newer comedy shows on TV and was not finding many of them funny. He would often say to his wife, “I’m funnier than these guys.” He has since found out, it is much harder than it looks. A few weeks later, he and his went to a show, along with several other couples, to see Darryl Hammond. After the show, they were standing around in the parking lot talking, and Brian casually mentioned that he would like to learn to do stand up and even Improv. It just looked like fun. His wife, always looking for creative gift ideas, went on line and found an Improv class, put on by the city, and stand up classes at a local comedy club. For Brian's next birthday, she enrolled him in both classes.
Brian absolutely loved both classes. The main difference in the format of the two classes was that after 6 weeks of standup classes, the students put on a showcase performance for all of our friends and family. His friends and family are a huge part of his life and he is grateful for the support they always show him. Brian's mom and dad never missed a show, just like when he was a kid in baseball. The night of the show was one of those comedian dream nights. Brian killed it. He was funny, maybe even very funny, and it was his first time ever on stage. The owner of the club was in the audience and on the spot, offered Brian a paying gig as an opening act for the touring comedians he booked for his club. After that night Brian was hooked. The rush of performing and doing well was like nothing he had ever experienced.